Hakutulokset: 'kengat punainen'
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- Fringe Jacket, Red Suede195,00 €
Legendary fringe jacket is back!
This Garageland classic features lots of fringes and conchos.
Lisätietoja - Fringe Jacket, Red Suede195,00 €
Legendary fringe jacket is back!
This Garageland classic features lots of fringes and conchos.
Lisätietoja - Dax Red10,00 €
Dax Wave and Groom hair dress is made especially for short hair. A heavier pomade that is great for holding small to medium pomps and flattops. It is also a deep conditioner that brings out the natural wave pattern of short hair.
Lisätietoja - NPS 3-reikäinen kenkä150,00 €Made in good old Blighty. NPS on viimeinen kunnollinen englantilainen saapastehdas. Se tekee tosi kestäviä maihareita perinteisellä tekniikalla. Lisätietoja